Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yarn combos to select

1. Casablanca and Toconao merino. The Casablanca is rainbow, and would go with any of the solid color yarns I have.  I searched first for a royal blue, but found I didn't have any. Hmmm.

2. Chirimen and a lovely silk/merino mix. Unfortunately, the purple-ness of these two yarns doesn't come up in the photograph, but they are a nice medium purple.  Chirimen is 60% Cotton, 24% Silk, 16% Wool

3.  Boku  95% Wool, 5% Silk and Merino Style. Again, the magenta here doesn't show up correctly, and doesn't look like it matches the variegated yarn, but in reality it is great together.

4. Ice Merino and Toconao merino, subtle blues and greens, on the gray side.

 5. Boku and Swish merino. Boku is 95% Wool, 5% Silk

 6. Casablanca (59% Wool, 24% Silk, 17% Mohair) and Merino Style. 

 7. Cascade Merino, and Casablanca. This is a different colorway than the one above, with a few tans and grays in the mix. 

8. Toconao and Casablanca. Again, the photo fibs, with the Toconao more teal green in real life and matches the greens in the Casablanca.

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