Tuesday, August 13, 2013
At it again
Dave had a great night, thanks to me waking him up on time for all his pills. I had drunk coffee late in the day and therefore I had a lot of time to think during the night and decided that I wanted the four poster posts removed from my bed. They are in the way of the tv, and whomever sits on my chair and talks to me when I am in bed. Or some such reason. The truth is I want a padded/upholstered headboard and to be able to just hang a bedspread off the end of the bed without negotiating the posts which are always in the way. So off they came in minutes! Then Dave filed away most of the unevenness, and I painted the raw wood. It's not all that smooth, but who cares? It will be covered with fabric in the near future.
That's a plastic tablecloth on the bed, in case sawdust should fly. He used a miter saw, not an electric one, so it was pretty neat. I will still wash my sheets from this project.
In the living room I decided that the big chest should go under the stairs, since it has that white glass on top, and I can easily wipe away the dog hair etc. that falls down from the stairs above. Today it was grass clippings, but it is often mud clods. The yellow desk has too many nooks and crannies that collect stuff, and I had to get it outta there.
When we moved it to the other side of the room we were happily surprised that it fit perfectly under the quilt. Exactly the same size. And then we found that vase was the same yellow too, so we are delightedly smug.
We also moved everything else in the room, once we saw how much dog hair was escaping our notice. Ugh. The dining table is under the center light fixture which does not have a fan, so we are more comfy, not being blown on, and our food stays hot longer. As if we ever have a hot meal.
Now all has been swept clean, and sometime this week Dave will wash and shine the floor.
The couch or couchsicle got moved to the front wall where birdie watching is a feature. We call it a couchsicle because Chumley continues to lick the cover whenever he sits there. The nice thing for him is that he can pick up where he left off the last time he was perched there.
How many dogs have a coordinating bone to match their furniture?
At the far end we had nothing, so Dave decided we needed a library table and used the coffee table and the two art chairs, spreading out the magazines like it was actually in a library. What a guy.
We were all done by 8:15.
I love the two ends of the room, but the center area has always felt awkward to me. The table, chairs and desk-with precisely matched quilt width, look fine, but lacking something. I dunno what. A step up or down? A carpet? I don't even know. Maybe it's just the pictures.