Monday, October 20, 2008

The Final Arrangement, sorta
OK we brought in the last chair and ottoman and we really like this space. I am blogging from the window chair right this minute.
I took your bedside table and put it here for the mail. I am determined to handle the mail as it arrives rather than let it scatter everywhere. I used my new calculator to balance the checkbook and it worked great. The bedside has now a tv table at its side.

And the rack is back. This is now looking different too. I replaced and removed some stuff and put away the curtain fabric. I was planning to make the curtains first thing but changed to working on quilts instead. I can always make them later. I put the old lace curtains back up, not shown here, and they are working just fine for the interim.

I loved these plants so much but they were ignored here and I moved them to the kitchen window sill. I am feeding them Miracle Grow and expect to have to repot them before Spring.
The bird feeder is up and we filled the birdbath with seeds and saw our first influx of eaters yesterday. The couch and Poangs are arranged for best viewing. We really really love this whole room now. Thanks so much for your help getting it right.
More furniture rearranging

It has been getting colder since you left, with highs only in the 60's during the day and 45 at night. We are wimps are are now eating indoors. So in came the round table from the porch and while my original plan was to use it as a desk in the far corner by the bathroom door, I changed my mind and made it a night table. The pink sarong is perfect as a tablecloth. It isn't wide enough but the short end is by the window. Dave washed the windows, but first recaulked them and painted the sills and got rid of all the ick that was there before. Pristine and white now. No mold or mildew.

I love the sun streaming in. This is the sunniest room in the house.

All that fussy girly stuff, and MURDER books. hahaha.

I dragged out Mom's stuff for the picture, but it will soon be back in the closet.