Sunday, November 27, 2016


This first version was done all in Picasa, while the second one was done in Photoshop. The Picasa version was practically instant and not jaggedy edged. I like it better.


The first one has been brightened and the second one has not. Your choice.
As you know you can click on the image and it enlarges, twice.
Below the first one done in Photoshop and the second in Pinterest. I could clean that one up a bit more. Of course in Pinterest I am cropping and that squares up the sides. Won't work with an uneven quilt.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Christina B's Jacket

The finished jacket length is 33" which I am guessing is going to grow a bit due to the partial cotton content of the Taiyo yarn.

Here it is on me, and it hits me mid-thigh. I am 5'4" so it is really long in the sleeves. I will sew on the buttons of course.

I used 4 Taiyo at $18 each and 8 Poems at $9 each  = $144 USD + postage to your address.