Saturday, June 25, 2016
This is the day I realize I must stop eating like there are no consequences. This cute pattern looks and feels awfully tight on my body, and is a size 16, so it should fit. Obviously I am kidding myself. The bust is so tight that it shows stretching across the front. The sleeves are squeezing my arms like a girdle. My butt is sticking out like a big blob. The bust darts are way above the bust, and wrinkles form under the armpit. What a disappointment or rather what a wake-up call. I won't be wearing this to church tomorrow.

I guess I can no longer deny that I have reached an endpoint and must diet. So now that we have moved, it is the perfect time to take control and end this self-indulgent behavior. I will need your encouragement, of course. Luckily I still can go to Loseit.com and work it out there.