Saturday, November 30, 2013


41x45" $80
61x58" $80
103x45" $100
47x40" $80

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Jacket Pattern-Starting Out

Note: always slip the first stitch of each row, to ensure easier picking up of stitches.
For most sizes (34-40") 71st is enough, as there is plenty of ease, but for larger hips use 75.
Make the first triangle, center back, at the hem. Cast on 71 sts.
Row 1.
Row 2. K
Row 3 Using contrasting color, k1, k2tog, knit to center three stitches, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k to last three stitches, k2 tog, k1.
Row 4. K
Row 5, with main color, repeat rows three and four
Continue decreases at each side and center until five stitches remain, bind off.
Measure the long edge of this triangle and that will determine the width of the back times two. In other words, if it measures 11", then the back width will be 22".

Here's the triangle at the bottom center of the body.
The diamonds are made with 71 sts, and the decreases are done over the center three stitches as follows:
knit to center three stitches, sl 1, k2tog, psso,
Triangles # 3,7,10,11,15 and16, and the smaller triangles 13 and 18 have decreases (k2tog) one stitch in from the edge, on the right side only.
Since doing this pink version I have improved the neckline, and eliminated the triangles 21-25.

This is probably enough to get you started. When you have gotten this far, I will show you the rest, with instruction and pictures.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Muffin Top Gone!

OK I am embarrassed to be sharing...or even taking these photos, but nevertheless, the diet is working.
As you can see, I am in need of a bra that fits. as this one is not tight enough and I am falling out. But focus on the lessening of the rolls of fat at the waist. And how flat is my stomach? No butt either.
Must improve my posture...

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Choices for you

This is the one you chose when it was first on offer, but knitting with it yesterday, I decided it was too Grreeeeennnnn against the red and would look like Christmas.
Below: This purple merino goes well with this multicolored merino which goes from orange to pink to magenta to purple.

The pink merino is complimented by this Paint Box merino which has MANY colors in the lot. This would be a fun combo.
And then the same pink merino in combination with Amazing yarn, which has wonderful color combinations too.

So....whatever you choose, I think they are all good ones, or at least better ones than that red/green/yellow combo.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Laundry Hallway

The floor and transition strips are in and I await the baseboard for the grand finale. But, in the meantime I have washed down the floor, dryer and washer and done five loads of wash and discovered a use for my wide ironing board. It usually sits in the closet, since I never have to iron anything on it. But I thought I could use it as a folding table!
Sometimes I am just a genius.
BTW, I keep the laundry basket there instead of in my room since I didn't have a good spot for it. I just put my laundry in it as it happens and then when full I wash it.

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